After the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 the park got absorbed by the west-german investor norbert witte who transformed it into a tiny berlin-style disneyland. the name of the park was changed into “Spreepark Berlin”, new rides were installed, and with 1.5 million visitors a new record of attendance had been reached. Later on, the conception of the leisure park was revised and remodelled step-by-step by following western standards.
The asphalt covering around the big wheel was removed and replaced with an aquatic landscape. Furthermore, numerous other rides, such as roller coasters (one containing a looping), two white-water rides, one stage for shows, a western village, and a traditional English hamlet have been installed on the 21 Hektars (52 Acres) of used space, and integrated into the landscape.
Nonetheless, after 1990 the number of visitors sank to 700.000 which was—amongst others—the result of the relatively high admission charges of 30 DM (15€) per person, and due to a lack of parking lots close to the compound. Since 1999 the “Spreepark GmbH & Co. KG”—the operating company—was struggling with a high amount of outstanding debts.
Finally, in 2001 the company had to declare their insolvency. At the beginning of 2002 the owner absconded to Peru with still usable rides that have been shipped over in a cloak-and-dagger operation. the compound passed into the realty funds of the city of berlin. the park is completely fenced off even until today, hiding 21 rusting fun rides.